Shelter in Place

When Should I Shelter?

There may be times when you may need to “shelter-in-place” meaning you stay put wherever you are (home, school, work, or car) until hazardous weather passes or the area is safe. This is a precaution aimed to keep you protected while remaining indoors.

Chemical, biological, or radiological contaminants may be released accidentally or intentionally into the environment. Should this occur, information will be provided by local authorities on television and radio stations on how to protect yourself.

For example, during a tornado warning you should seek shelter in a basement or an inside room away from windows. However, during a hazardous spill or chemical attack you should take shelter in a room above ground and possibly seal off the room to keep gas or fumes from coming in.

What Do I Do?

Prepare a Disaster Supply Kit

  • First aid kit
  • 3-day supply of non-perishable food
  • Food and supplies for infant (if necessary)
  • One gallon of water per person per day
  • Flashlight & extra batteries
  • Battery-powered or crank radio
  • Supply of prescription medications
  • Emergency contact phone numbers
  • Landline phone hardwired to the outlet (not cordless house phone)
  • Charged cell phone (for 911 calls)
  • Items for entertainment (books, games, etc.)
  • Be sure to consider seniors, children, and pets when preparing your Disaster Supply Kit.

Be Aware

Whether you're near home, work, or school the procedures you follow are similar:

  • Go inside the nearest structure and turn on radio or television for emergency information
  • Close all windows and doors
  • Turn off all ventilation systems
  • Go into an interior room and seal cracks around doors and any vents that lead into the room
  • Continue monitoring radio or television for notice that the community is safe

What If I'm -

At Work:

  • Close the business. Bring everyone into the room(s). Shut and lock the door(s).
  • Follow instructions provided by the Property Management Team.
  • If there are customers, clients, or visitors in the building, provide for their safety by asking them to stay - not leave. When authorities provide directions to shelter-in-place, they want everyone to take those steps now, where they are, and not drive or walk outdoors.
  • Unless there is an imminent threat, ask employees, customers, clients, and visitors to call their emergency contact to let them know where they are and that they are safe. Text messaging may be more effective at times of heavy phone traffic.
  • Turn on call-forwarding or alternative telephone answering systems or services. If the business has voice mail or an automated attendant, change the recording to indicate that the business is closed, and that staff and visitors are remaining in the building until authorities advise it is safe to leave.
  • Close and lock all windows, exterior doors, and any other openings to the outside.
  • If you are told there is danger of explosion, close the window shades, blinds, or curtains.
  • Have employees familiar with your company's mechanical systems turn off all fans, heating and air conditioning systems.
  • Gather essential disaster supplies, such as nonperishable food, bottled water, battery-powered radios, first aid supplies, flashlights, batteries, duct tape, plastic sheeting, and plastic garbage bags.
  • Select interior room(s), above the ground floor if possible, with the fewest windows or vents. The room(s) should have adequate space for everyone to be able to sit in. Avoid overcrowding by selecting several rooms if necessary. Large storage closets, utility rooms, pantries, copy and conference rooms without exterior windows will work well. Avoid selecting a room with mechanical equipment like ventilation blowers or pipes, because this equipment may not be able to be sealed from the outdoors.
  • It is ideal to have a hard-wired telephone in the room(s) you select. Call emergency contacts and have the phone available if you need to report a life-threatening condition. Cellular telephone equipment may be overwhelmed or damaged during an emergency.
  • Use duct tape and plastic sheeting (heavier than food wrap) to seal all cracks around the door(s) and any vents into the room.
  • Write down the names of everyone in the room, and call your business' designated emergency contact to report who is in the room with you, and their affiliation with your business (employee, visitor, client, customer).
  • Keep listening to the radio or television or the building's intercom until you are told all is safe or you are told to evacuate. Local officials may call for evacuation in specific areas at greatest risk in your community.
At Home:
  • Close & lock all windows and exterior doors.
  • Turn off all fans and HVAC systems.
  • Close the fireplace damper.
  • Get your Disaster Supply Kit and turn on the radio.
  • Use duct tape and plastic sheeting to seal all cracks leading into the room you're in.
  • Have your hard-wired phone with you in the room and call your emergency contact to check in.
In My Vehicle:
  • If you are close to home, office, or public building, go there immediately.
  • Otherwise, pull to the side of the road in the safest place possible. If it is sunny, under a bridge or shady spot would be preferable.
  • Turn off the engine and close the windows and vents.
  • Listen to the radio.
  • Stay where you are until you are told it is safe to return to the road.

The above was adapted from the American Red Cross' Shelter in Place Fact Sheet and the Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency of the District of Columbia's Shelter-in-Place Guide.

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